Youth Ministries

Teen Outreach
Teen Outreach is a great way to contribute to the community in a fun and meaningful way and to develop skills that will help at school, in future careers, and in life.

Recent projects include stuffing and donating backpacks for Apostles’ House and Philip’s Academy, making quick-release safety bracelets for deployed service people overseas, cleaning up the Woodcliff Lake Reservoir in canoes, and helping organize food for the Social Services annual Thanksgiving Drive.

Young People's Fellowship (YPF)
YPF is a youth group for grades 6 and 7 that encourages growth in two ways. First, its monthly parties give sixth and seventh graders social gatherings where they can enjoy fellowship while practicing consideration for others, social skills, and leadership skills. Second, the parties allow them to build the type of caring community that will make their experience in the eighth-grade Confirmation program especially rewarding. They develop friendships not only with one another but also with the Adult Advisors. Each YPF-er is welcome to bring a guest to any YPF party.

St. Elizabeth's Episcopal Church

169 Fairmount Road
Ridgewood, New Jersey 07450
Church: 201-444-2299
Fax: 201-444-0007