Contact us!

St. Elizabeth's Church of Ridgewood
169 Fairmount Road
Ridgewood, New Jersey 07450

Telephone Numbers:
Church: 201-444-2299
Fax: 201-444-0007

E-mail Address:

Updating Directory Information
If you have made changes to your address, telephone number, or e-mail address, please notify Parish Administrator Ann Dowling in the Church Office (201-444-2299 or so that we can update our records and include the changes in our new parish directory.

This weekly E-News is e-mailed every Friday morning to keep parishioners updated with worship services, fellowship events, and occasional pastoral news. All parish members with an e-mail address on file with the church should be receiving this e-news service. Please contact Communications Coordinator Abby Lee if you have changed your e-mail address or are not currently receiving either ST. E-NEWS or our time-sensitive electronic pastoral updates.

St. E’s Website
The church website is regularly updated with information on upcoming activities, events, services and info.

Ryan Pettit
Communications Coordinator

Share your photos!

If you have photos of  events, or the St. Elizabeth's Community, we want to see them. 
please send photos to

Send a Message or a Question

Send us a message below and we will get back to you as soon as we can!

St. E-News! Get the latest E-news full of upcoming events, service information outreach opportunities, and St. Elizabeth's news. Click the "sign up" button to be added to the list!

The Tower is our monthly Newsletter full of important St. Elizabeth's information. Click "The Tower" to read more. 

St. Elizabeth's Episcopal Church

169 Fairmount Road
Ridgewood, New Jersey 07450
Church: 201-444-2299
Fax: 201-444-0007