Episcopal Church Women 

The Episcopal Church Women (ECW) Is a group of women from St. Elizabeth's who do various fun fundraisers and events to support outreach and help others in the community. For more info contact info@stesridgewood.org.

In the past the ECW has had fundraisers including fish and chips dinner, cook book sales, tea parties, Holiday Boutique and Greens Sale
 and more. The group also has Winter Coat Drives, collects Christmas gifts for the Men’s Rooming House at Apostle’s House
, a Linen Drive for Apostles’ House, a Valentine's Day Baby Items Drive for North Porch, 
and more each year. The ECW at St. Elizabeth's also volunteer one week at a thrift shop in Midland Park to earn outreach funds. 

St. Elizabeth's Episcopal Church

169 Fairmount Road
Ridgewood, New Jersey 07450
Church: 201-444-2299
Fax: 201-444-0007