Fellowship Events

Sunday Coffee Hour Hospitality Hosts are needed. Please sign up!

Much of the fellowship and community life of St. Elizabeth’s takes place at Coffee Hour each Sunday, following the 10 a.m. worship service. The parish depends on volunteers to present Coffee Hour, and fairness suggests that everyone take a turn sometime in the year.

All you need to do is brew a pot of coffee, boil water for tea, buy or bake breakfast goods, set up before church, and clean up afterwards. Partnering with someone else, or another family makes hosting much easier.

Please sign up to host. It’s a wonderful way to get involved in the fellowship of St Elizabeth’s. Please consult your calendar, choose a date that works for you, and sign up on the sheet in the Parish Hall or contact Parish Administrator Ann Dowling in the Church Office (201-444-2299 or adowling@stesridgewood.org). Instructions are in the kitchen, and the office can mail or email them to you in advance if you would like them.

In the summer months, iced tea and lemonade are served.

St. Elizabeth's Fellowship Traditions
Please contact the Church Office (201-444-2299 or info@stesridgewood.org) for more information about any of the following events.

All-Parish Picnic (June)
The annual picnic follows the 10 a.m. Flower Sunday service, rain or shine. The picnic is held on the church grounds and features a barbecue with potluck sides, plus games, activities, fun and fellowship for all ages.

Chapel Families Brunch (November)
Families with children in Second Grade or younger are invited for brunch each fall. Parents gather while Church School is in session, and continue after Church School is dismissed.

Ingathering Brunches (November)
This is a season when we reflect on how we can hold fast to those things that endure, even “while we are placed among things that are passing away” (BCP, p. 234). The ingathering process leads up to two all-parish brunches.

Advent Craft Party and Potluck (December)
Parishioners of all ages gather for St. Elizabeth's annual Advent and Christmas Craft Party and Dinner. The evening features seasonal craft projects for all ages: making ornaments, wreaths, and decorations, starting an Advent Calendar, and a personal favorite, stringing popcorn, cranberries, raisins, and various other small edible objects. As it is a school night, it is an early evening. This warm and festive evening of food, fellowship, and fun is a fond St. Elizabeth's tradition.

Annual Tree Lighting and Carol Sing (December)
Parishioners, friends and neighbors gather at 5:30 p.m. in the last moments of twilight to turn on the lights on our small (but growing!) live Christmas tree on the front lawn of the church. By lantern, candle, and other lights, we sing carols of the season — accompanied by a wonderful brass quartet — for about 30 minutes, followed by hot chocolate and refreshments. This is an unmatched opportunity to create a holiday memory of holy and festive joy suffused with some of the most beloved music of our culture. Families, children of all ages, neighbors, holiday houseguests, resident shepherds, and visiting kings are all welcome.

Annual Progressive Dinner (February)
Cocktail party at a parishioner's home, followed by intimate catered dinners in parishioners' homes. The evening ends with dessert at another home. Always a fun evening of good fellowship and delicious food.

Annual Shrove Tuesday All-Parish Pancake Supper (February)
Pancakes for dinner, in the Parish Hall, on the eve of Ash Wednesday. There is a small fee to attend.

Lenten Monday Night Potluck Suppers (March)
These are evenings of fellowship, dinner, teaching, and conversation held five Mondays during Lent, in the Parish Hall.

Traditional Fish 'n Chips Dinner (March)
Authentic Fish and Chips dinner in the Parish Hall, benefits go to the ECW outreach projects and the food is cooked on site by Tastefully British. 

Annual Evening for Outreach (May)
This annual event features fellowship, food and spirited bidding to support St. Elizabeth's Outreach Program to others in need. The Evening for Outreach is always a great opportunity for those who are new to the parish to get involved in parish activities, and for established members to renew old friendships and meet new people. It is a fun evening for everyone!

Annual Evening for Outreach (May)
Highlight fellowship event of the spring season, this evening of food and fellowship is all for a good cause, with the proceeds going to St. Elizabeth's very active Outreach Program, which provides grants to local non-profit organizations.

Sunday Coffee Hours
Fellowship each Sunday following the 10 a.m. services for coffee, tea and snacks. 

Senior Luncheons
(Four times per year, September through June)

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Kids enjoying snacks at coffee hour
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Flower Sunday 2021
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Opening Sunday 2021  had a surprise Ice cream truck
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2021 Ingathering Bruch 
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2021 advent craft workshop
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Annual tree lighting and Caroling

St. Elizabeth's Episcopal Church

169 Fairmount Road
Ridgewood, New Jersey 07450
Church: 201-444-2299
Fax: 201-444-0007