Church School & Chapel

All children ages four through Grade 7 are invited to join our Church School program. Teachers and Chapel leaders are prepared with age-appropriate curriculum highlighting Bible stories, crafts, and discussions. We offer separate classes for appropriate age groups starting with children who will be four years old by October 1. Our current class groups are: PreK4 – 1st Grade, 2nd-4th Grades, 5th Grade, and 6th and 7th Grade.

Children's Chapel
Three Sundays each month, children ages three though grade 2 are invited to come to our song and story-filled worship services in our Children's Chapel, starting at 10 a.m. Chapel Leaders, Family Ministries clergy and our Associate Choirmaster lead the Chapel congregation in a brief service specifically designed for our youngest parishioners. Children are active participants in the service. Parents are welcome to attend, also.

Children's Church School
Our volunteer Church School teachers prepare their lessons each week based on the “Weaving God’s Promises” curriculums for Children and Youth. Children in grades 2 through 7 learn lessons based on the “Weaving God’s Promises” curriculum, which involves reading scripture, prayer, arts and crafts, and discussion of real-life connections. Pre-K through first grade children also learn from the Godly Play program by listening to Bible stories, doing arts and crafts and engaging in age-appropriate discussions.

Family Holy Eucharist: "Big Church"
Once a month, all children attend the regular 10 a.m. service with their families, leaving after communion to attend Church School.

On Sundays, children under four are lovingly cared for in our Nursery by experienced high school attendant, Annabelle Winter. The Nursery hours are 9:45 a.m. through the end of Church School.

St. Elizabeth's Episcopal Church

169 Fairmount Road
Ridgewood, New Jersey 07450
Church: 201-444-2299
Fax: 201-444-0007