Wardens and Vestry
Peter Angelica (2023)
Buffy McKay (2024)
Jim Alimena (2023)
Matthew Croy (2024)
Ed Ferara (2023)
Karina Ferrales (2023)
Todd Hoffman (2025)
Moe Ismael (2025)
Susan Munhall (2024)
Marnie Price (2023)
Gaye Thurston (2025)
Gigo Lee-Taylor (2025)
iane Walker (2024)
Wayne Yankus (2024)
Michael Dickson (2023)
Clerk Marnie Price (2023)
Diocesan Convention Delegates for 2023 Convention
Peter Angelica
Buffy McKay
Mary Hayes
Convention Alternate for 2023 Convention
Mary Wynn Seiter
*Terms expire in January of the year in parentheses
Copies of the 2020 Annual Report are also available from the Church Office during regular business hours. If you are unable to come to the church, please call the office and a copy will be mailed to you.
*Please note that the web version omits detailed financial statements. This information is available by contacting the Church Office at 201-444-2299 or info@stesridgewood.org.
The Role of the Vestry In accordance with the National Canons of the Episcopal Church The Vestry acts as the legal and financial body of the parish and calls a new rector, subject to the approval of the Bishop, when that office becomes vacant. At St. Elizabeth’s, as in many Episcopal churches, the Vestry also serves as a collegial group of mission leaders in the congregation. By national canon, the rector serves as Chair of the Vestry. The Role of Wardens: when the office of Rector is vacant, the Senior Warden, in consultation with the Vestry and under the authority of the Bishop, is responsible for the welfare and continuing ministry of the congregation. The custom at St. Elizabeth’s for some years has been for one Warden to be a man, and one a woman.
Parish and Diocesan Offices As is the custom of St. Elizabeth’s, each autumn the Vestry forms a Nominating Committee, co-chaired by the Wardens, to propose names for election at our Annual Meeting in January. The Nominating Committee consists of those members of the Vestry whose terms will be completed this year and a corresponding number of other parishioners.
Vestry Candidates The Nominating Committee proposes four candidates for 3-year Vestry membership terms. In accordance with the National Canons of the Episcopal Church, the Vestry acts as the legal and financial body of the parish and calls a new rector, subject to the approval of the Bishop, when that office becomes vacant. At St. Elizabeth’s, as in many Episcopal churches, the Vestry also serves as a collegial group of mission leaders in the congregation. By national canon, the rector serves as Chair of the Vestry.
Qualifications for Vestry Members Any parish member in good standing may be proposed to the Nominating Committee for nomination. Principal qualifications of Vestry members are: regular attendance at worship, active participation in the life of the congregation, sharing stewardship work of the congregation (including making a financial pledge and serving in the Annual Ingathering), and the ability to attend monthly Vestry meetings, semi-annual Parish Work Days, and the annual Vestry Retreat each winter. Since the Vestry is a working body, the ability to attend the annual retreat and the monthly meetings is an essential qualification for nomination and election. Vestry members serve a single three-year term.
Diocesan Offices The Nominating Committee also proposes three delegates and three alternates to the annual Diocesan Convention held near the end of January. Convention delegates and alternates should be active members in good standing of St. Elizabeth’s, regular attenders of Sunday services, interested in supporting the life of the Church beyond our congregation, and able to attend the entire Convention. To facilitate communication between St. Elizabeth’s and Diocesan bodies, we Diocesan Convention delegates are often current or recent members of the Vestry.
Please Make Suggestions The Nominating Committee hopes you will propose people for these offices. You may send your suggestions c/o the Nominating Committee at the Church Office.
Wardens to be Nominated At the Annual Meeting the congregation also elects two Wardens, each for a two-year term. At their first meeting following, the Vestry will designate one to be the Senior and the other the Junior Warden. Traditionally, the Committee nominates the Junior Warden for a second two-year term as Senior Warden, and proposes a new candidate for the other position of Junior Warden. Wardens need to be confirmed members of the Episcopal Church and need to have served a term as a member of the Vestry. When the office of Rector is vacant, the Senior Warden, in consultation with the Vestry and under the authority of the Bishop, is responsible for the welfare and continuing ministry of the congregation. The custom at St. Elizabeth’s for some years has been for one Warden to be a man, and one a woman.
For at least the last two decades, our custom has been for the serving Wardens and the Rector to propose a candidate for the open position of Warden to the Nominating Committee, and the Committee, if they have no objection, includes that nominee in the list of candidates they present to the parish at the Annual Meeting.